wch students

Rules and Regulations

The CS Test Center functions and adheres to the aforementioned rules and regulations:
  • Checking in
    Check-in for Your Exam

    Please keep in mind that exams can exclusively be undertaken during their pre-scheduled date and time. If the proper check-in procedure with a proctor is not completed, credit for the taken exam will not be awarded.


    Before the Exam

    For a seamless testing experience, we kindly request that you arrive 5-10 minutes before your scheduled test time. Please wait in the hall area for guidance from the proctor. If the Test Center door is closed, please knock and a proctor will check you in and assign you a seat. We also recommend that you become well-acquainted with your UCR login credentials (NetID and password) along with the two-factor authentication mechanisms used for accessing your student accounts before coming to the lab.

    Student ID

    For check-in purposes, it is mandatory to show your UCR student ID or any other photo ID at the test center. Please note that failure to present your ID multiple times may result in cancellation of your exam by the proctors. You will be able to reschedule your exam once your ID is available with you.


    Arriving Late for Exams

    It's crucial to note that there will be no extra time granted for individuals who arrive late.

  • Exam Materials
    Scratch Paper

    The test center will provide you with scratch paper and pencils for use during your exams. Feel free to take them from the tray on the proctor's desk or simply request them from a proctor. The scratch papers provided to the student in the lab should be submitted back to the proctor before leaving the lab. Students are not allowed to take the scratch paper outside the lab.

    Please note that students are not allowed to bring their own scratch paper.



    Students will be allowed to use a calculator during the exam only upon approval of the course instructor. Students can only use the calculator provided on the quiz platform like Canvas or the calculator installed on the Test Center computer.

    Please note that students cannot use their own calculator during the exam unless explicitly communicated by the course instructor to the Test Center staff. Students are also not allowed to use any other electronic devices such as headphones, cell phones, smart watches, etc. during the exam.



    Students will be allowed to use cheat-sheets upon approval from the course instructors. Cheat-sheets can only contain less than or equal to the number of pages approved by the course instructor.


  • Testing Computers

    The computers in the Test Center are Fedora Linux based systems, and they are exclusively equipped with a web browser. Please note that additional software such as MATLAB, Python, Excel, etc., is not accessible on these computers.


    Please note that the Test Center computers are strictly only to be used for taking tests / exams of the enrolled courses. The computers cannot be used for any other purposes.

  • Missed Exams

    If you happen to miss an exam, and the testing window is still open, please approach one of our Test Center lab proctors. They will assist you in deletion of your current reservation. After your reservation has been deleted, you can proceed to make a new reservation in the PrairieTest system.


    In the event that you miss an exam and the testing window has already closed, it will be necessary for you to get in touch with your course instructor to discuss the possibility of arranging an extended testing window. Please be aware that Test Center staff do not have the authority to extend testing windows.

  • Academic Integrity

    The Test Center strictly follows UCR academic integrity policies as mentioned here.


    Suspicious Behavior

    Our proctors are committed to thoroughly documenting and reporting any instances of suspicious behavior that may occur within the Test Center. If you happen to witness any such behavior, we encourage you to promptly report it directly to a proctor, who will take the necessary steps for further investigation and action. Your cooperation in maintaining a secure testing environment is greatly appreciated.


    Reporting Violations

    Any unlawful conduct witnessed within the Test Center will be immediately brought to the attention of the appropriate course staff. The following situations are classified as acts of academic dishonesty, and participating in any of these actions will trigger a thorough investigation, which may lead to the submission of an Academic Integrity Report to your instructor:

    • Use of cellphone, smartwatch or other electronic devices at the time of exam.
    • Using external documents, index cards, extra paper, unauthorized cheat-sheets, or any materials containing exam-related information.
    • Use of calculators not approved by the course instructors.
    • Carrying used or unused scratch papers outside the Test Center without approval from test center staff.
    • Starting any exam without the proctor permission or starting exam on devices other than Test Center computers.
    • Continuing the exam after it's officially over, even after the announced end time.
    • Any behavior outside the boundaries of academic integrity policies
  • Help During Exam

    If you encounter any difficulties during the exam, please raise your hand, and a proctor will be quick to assist you. However, it's important to understand that proctors cannot answer questions related to the actual test content. We recommend using your best judgment when seeking assistance in such matters.

    Sometimes, unexpected problems may occur while you're taking a test. If you run into any issues, you can inform the proctor. The proctor will report the issue to the course instructor or the Test Center administrator and if required, capture a photograph of the issue. Students must refrain from taking any photographs in the Test Center.

  • Lost and Found Items

    In case you happen to leave any items in the test center, we will try to take care of them and you can collect it by visiting the test center.