wch students

Making / Changing / Deleting Exam Reservations


Log in to the reservation system to view your exam reservations or to make new ones:


Reservations can be modified or cancelled at any time before your exam. If you miss a reservation, you must go to the Test Center to have it erased with the assistance of a Proctor before you can make another. Another option is to send an email to testcenter@cs.ucr.edu and request that your missed reservation be cancelled.

Making Reservations

After logging into PrairieTest, click the green "Make a reservation" button under the "Exams available for reservations".  After clicking this button you will see all of the available reservations times during your exam window.  Click the green "Reserve this session" to register for an exam.

Changing and Deleting Reservations

To change or delete a reservation, click on your existing reservation in PrairieTest and click the green "Change or delete this reservation" button.