wch students

Instructors Info


Hello instructors, welcome to the CS Test Center! We hope you find this web page helpful to get started using the Prairie Learn to create exams and integrate exams into the test center scheduling software Prairie Test.

Prairie Test is managed on three following levels:

The first level consists of the test center administrators. Their role is to manage the physical lab including securing lab space, establishing courses and deciding which courses will be allowed to use the test center. They are also responsible for granting access and the necessary permissions to the Test Center staff and the course staff.

The second level is the test center staff. Their role is to manage the use of the test center. They will establish available test sessions, schedule proctors to monitor each session, verify that computers are working, and set up exam reservations for the courses using the test center.

The third level is the course staff such as instructors and TA's. Their role is to create the exam in Prairie Test and link it to the exam in Prairie Learn, add students to the course, and set up any special accommodations that the course students might require. This is the role that you will be assigned and this document will walk you through the process of preparing for the quarter and scheduling exams.